How to know if I need an Eye Test

How to know if I need an eye test

As part of a routine health check, you should have your eyes tested every 2 years to spot any eye conditions that may be going un-noticed and to ensure your vision is still clear. There are, however, several signs to look out for, which may indicate it is time to visit your optician sooner. As soon as you raise a concern with your optician, they will complete an extensive and thorough eye test to ensure the issue or concern is addressed and a treatment or solution is found. Below are some signs to look out for, and what you can expect at an eye test.

Frequent Headaches
Have you started to notice you are experiencing frequent, maybe even daily, headaches? This could be a sign of a vision problem that needs correcting. When straining your eyes to see you can cause your eyes to overwork which will usually lead to headaches. With an eye test your optician can determine the correct lenses to fix your refractive error.

Struggling to see clearly
You may have found gradually overtime you are struggling to read small writing, or alternatively your vision is blurry when driving. This is certainly a key indicator that you need to visit your optician and get an eye test. You are likely experiencing a refractive error (a common disorder which affects the eye’s ability to focus). Your optician can determine which refractive error you are experiencing, whether this is myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism or presbyopia. With this information you will likely be prescribed lenses to correct your refractive error and suit your lifestyle.

Your eyes are regularly dry
Conditions such as conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome or glaucoma may cause symptoms such as eye redness, dryness, irritation, itchiness, and pain. If you have noticed any of these symptoms and they continue to persist, it may be a time to book an appointment with your optician. Any of the mentioned eye conditions could be affecting both the health of your eyes and your vision. During an eye test, the team will detect any underlying eye conditions.

Appearance of floaters or flashes of light
Floaters and small dots or lines in your vision are usually nothing to worry about, especially if they are not affecting your vision or worsening over time. In fact, floaters are very common. However, if you notice these suddenly along with flashes of light or small dark dots and lines, this may indicate a problem with your eye health. If you are also experiencing pain with these floaters or flashes of light, this is a sign you need to visit your optician.

Maybe you cannot recall the last time you actually visited your opticians. If this is the case, now is a better time than ever to book an appointment. Some eye conditions can go un-noticed with very few symptoms, so it is always beneficial to get your eyes tested regularly and do not leave it years before booking another eye test.

What to expect at an Eye Test
You can expect your eye test to last around 30 minutes, during this time the team will check your vision for refractive errors which can be corrected through wearing glasses or contact lenses. At Camden Opticians, we can also give you a thorough eye health examination, particularly if you have a family history of conditions like glaucoma or are diabetic.

To find out more about our eye tests and to book into one of our practices for an appointment, please get in touch with our friendly team today.